CERN and INFN are jointly organizing a public event on 14 April to present the latest discoveries in particle physics and discuss the open questions and challenges that lie ahead in our exploration of the Universe. The event aims to bring together art and science, giving a glimpse of where fundamental particle physics can go and how it can impact society.
Bringing together scientists with experts from other fields we aim to intertwine scientce and art and guide us through some of the open questions that modern fundamental research is focusing on.
Based on the combination of a scientific with an artistic or if you prefer more poetic narrative, the audience will be guided through the key-topics of modern physics: the origin and evolution of the Universe, the understanding of its structure, the great mysteries at the boundaries of our knowledge.
Finally, a number of videos and a live discussion will strengthen the dialogue among physicists and experts; while it will also focus on the economic and social impact that large research infrastructures have in our society and how they can shape our future.
You can buy your tickets for the public event here. Find more information about the event
here .